Purr-sona Request Form

Purr-sona Request Form

    Your Name

    Your Email
    (Please use the same Email on your purchase after filling out this form)

    Shirt Size

    Your Cat's Theme
    (Gothic, Dragon staff performer, ect...)

    Social Media
    (We advise using a link holding site like Link Tree to provide all of your socials in one place.)

    Describe your Purr-sona
    (Any custom details Looks, Personality, ect...)

    Want to Promote something?
    Give us the URL to it.

    (We advise promoting yourself or promoting charity though an organization like 10 Rapscallions Or donation links for groups that could use the charity like Khan Academy, or Big Thought)

    Once you submit this form, our team will create your custom cat character. Once finished, We will email you the link to your cat's profile page.

    We will email you the link to your cat's profile page once it is live

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